Anyone Know, why We use external javascript?

What are pros of using an external javascript file? I just can't figure it out, I see big websites using them all around several times instead of server-side includes. Is it just for caching?
If it's a matter of clean code and seperation of concerns, then you can still include it from the serverside into the html. For example I use SMARTY and I can just include the file {include file='javascript.js} inside <script></script> tages. If it's for performance I can't see anything other than an extra http request that makes the external file slower involved. I'm sure I must be missing something because all the big websites still do this.
Is it because of caching the file? my javascripts are dynamic and shouldn't be cached anyway.
could someone help me out to make the right decision to choose what to do with my javascript files.
ps:can a 1.5K user create a tag for external-javascript?

Answer Is:

In Your case, The most important is that the file is cached by the browser. The fewer bytes that need to be sent from the server the better. This is a big part of web performance.
Second to that, it provides modularity.
I'm not sure why your JavaScript is dynamic, but I suggest you rewrite it in a way that removes that need. That in itself might be an issue for you down the road.

My Question is, Why no SQL for NHibernate 3 Query?

Anyone have answer about my this question: Why is no SQL being generated when I run my Nhibernate 3 query?

    public IQueryable<Chapter> FindAllChapters()
        using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
            var chapters = session.QueryOver<Chapter>().List();

            return chapters.AsQueryable();
If I run the query below I can see that the SQL that gets created.
    public IQueryable<Chapter> FindAllChapters()
        using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
            var resultDTOs = session.CreateSQLQuery("SELECT Title FROM Chapter")
                    .AddScalar("Title", NHibernateUtil.String)

            // Convert resultDTOs into IQueryable<Chapter>
Answer Is:
Linq to NHibernate (like Linq to entities) uses delayed execution. You are returning IQueryable<Chapter> which means that you might add further filtering before using the data, so no query is executed.
If you called .ToList() or .List() (i forget which is in the API), then it would actually produce data and execute the query.
In other words, right now you have an unexecuted query.
For more info, google "delayed execution linq" for articles like this

How to Run PHP in Windows 7?

Anyone can help? I need to run HipHop PHP on a Windows based development environment. Im running Windows 7, I know the version located at facebook's repository is built for Linux, however I need to run it on Windows.
Some things to consider> 1- I don't want to install a Virtual Machine, I have VMWare, but it would be terrible to install it only for that 2- No CyWin either...

Answer Is:

There are two options for you:
  • Try compiling it yourself. If it fails, fix the code so it will compile.
  • Consider if there's another way to solve your problem (i.e., other tools than HipHop).
What have you done to solve your problem? Why did you conclude that HipHop was the right solution for your problem? What errors did you bump into when trying to install HipHop? These are such questions that you probably should ask yourself. They might help you to figure out how to solve your problem.

How to Use Flash CS5 on iPhone?

Hey, I am looking to develop basic client server data application to add value to a website.

The website is .net based and opening an api such as asmx web service, json or xml would be simple.
Can anyone tell me what are the limitations - technically, what is possible with flash and also what Apple consider to be good practice. 
Does anyone have any Actionscript code examples?

Answer is:

The iPhone does not support Flash.I don't think anything with Flash involved is considered "good practice" by Apple.

c#: crawler project here is the Answer:

Could I get very easy to follow code examples on the following:
  1. Use browser control to launch request to a target website.
  2. Capture the response from the target website.
  3. convert response into DOM object.
  4. Iterate through DOM object and capture things like "FirstName" "LastName" etc if they are part of response.

Answer is:

Here is code that uses a WebRequest object to retrieve data and captures the response as a stream.
    public static Stream GetExternalData( string url, string postData, int timeout )
        ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate( object sender,
                                                                                X509Certificate certificate,
                                                                                X509Chain chain,
                                                                                SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors )
            // if we trust the callee implicitly, return true...otherwise, perform validation logic
            return [bool];

        WebRequest request = null;
        HttpWebResponse response = null;

            request = WebRequest.Create( url );
            request.Timeout = timeout; // force a quick timeout

            if( postData != null )
                request.Method = "POST";
                request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                request.ContentLength = postData.Length;

                using( StreamWriter requestStream = new StreamWriter( request.GetRequestStream(), System.Text.Encoding.ASCII ) )
                    requestStream.Write( postData );

            response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
        catch( WebException ex )
            Log.LogException( ex );
            request = null;

        if( response == null || response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK )
            if( response != null )
                response = null;

            return null;

        return response.GetResponseStream();
For managing the response, I have a custom Xhtml parser that I use, but it is thousands of lines of code. There are several publicly available parsers (see Darin's comment).
EDIT: per the OP's question, headers can be added to the request to emulate a user agent. For example:
request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create( url );
.Accept = "application/x-ms-application, image/jpeg, application/xaml+xml, image/gif, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-xbap, application/x-shockwave-flash, */*";
.Timeout = timeout;
.Headers.Add( "Cookie", cookies );

// manifest as a standard user agent
.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US)";

Force local user to change password at next login with C#

I'm writing a function for a web app in ASP.NET where the client logs into the server machine, which is Windows authenticated against the local users on the server. The function I am writing resets the users password and emails them the new one. I do this like so:
String userPath = "WinNT://"  + Environment.MachineName + "/" + username.Text;
DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(userPath);
de.Invoke("SetPassword", new object[] { password });
How can I also check the flag to force the user to change their password the next time they log in with the password emailed to them? I tried using pwdLastSet like so:
de.Properties["pwdLastSet"].Value = 0;
But this apparently only works with LDAP, not WinNT, and I am doing this locally.
Any experts know any better than me? I have even tried looking for a way to do this through the command line so that I can just create a Process, but I haven't been able to find a way to do it that way, either.

Answer is:

For WinNT, you must set the value to 1 rather than 0, and the property name is "PasswordExpired" rather than "pwdLastSet"; see
In other words, do this for WinNT:
de.Properties["PasswordExpired"].Value = 1;
(It is confusing, I know, but for LDAP you need to set the property "pwdLastSet" to 0. How's that for inconsistency!)

Get DisplayName Attribute without using LabelFor Helper in MVC

What is the best way to retrieve the display name attribute for an item in your model? I see a lot of people using the LabelFor helper for everything, but a label isn't appropriate if I just want to list the data out. Is there an easy way just get the Name Attribute if I just want to print it out in, say a paragraph?

Answer is"

    <%= Html.Encode(
        ModelMetadata.FromLambdaExpression<YourViewModel, string>(
            x => x.SomeProperty, ViewData).DisplayName
    ) %><p>
Obviously in order to avoid the spaghetti code it is always a good idea to write a helper:
public static class HtmlExtensions
    public static MvcHtmlString GetDisplayName<TModel, TProperty>(
        this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper, 
        Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression
        var metaData = ModelMetadata.FromLambdaExpression<TModel, TProperty>(expression, htmlHelper.ViewData);
        string value = metaData.DisplayName ?? (metaData.PropertyName ?? ExpressionHelper.GetExpressionText(expression));
        return MvcHtmlString.Create(value);
And then:
    <%: Html.GetDisplayName(x => x.SomeProperty) %></p>

Improve the design of GUI/website [closed]

So i am using visual studio 2008, 3.5, with the basic toolkit provided.
Now i have made the gui which a lot of functionality but the design is very basic. and looks too old.
I need to give it a new look, a new feeling new designs....
like the gridview, the buttons the textboxes, the menus look basic... this is not working for me.
Please let me how should i go about doing this.?? 1) i have herd about tool kits but dont kno which ones are good..(dont want the really expensive ones) but if it is really good my company is ready to spend.
2) will the new VS 2010 or 4.0 make a difference.
3) The ajax toolkit or silverlight toolkit is any good?
4) i also need to show Charts and graphs now, currently using MS charts.. but now i need which is good.

Answer is:

Your best bet is to ask very specific questions at a more appropriate forum.
For ideas on designs, look for examples online and do something similar to what you like.
For questions on how to implement a specific design in html/, post a very specific question here.
For UI guidance on how to make something specific look better, post a question on Include a SMALL screen shot of the applicable controls (not the whole page, just the part you're asking about, or at least highlight the part you're asking about).
.NET 3.5 vs .NET 4 will have no real effect on the design of your site. Whether your choose HTML or Silverlight will have a huge effect, but neither is generally better for all sites and switching between them basically means rewriting everything, so you wouldn't do it just for design reasons.

c# ASP.NET Controls collections code block nonsense.

What can cause:
The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>).
I ask because, the code does not contain code blocks. Anywhere. There is not a single <%= %> block on any page in the entire site. All i have are the <%@ %> directive lines.
Below is the code causing the error.
/// <summary>
/// Adds javascript variables to a page so that ASP control ID are accessable via Javascript. The
/// variable names are ASP_ControlID.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="page">The Page to add the javascript to</param>
/// <param name="ctls">The controls to make accessable</param>
public static void addJavascriptIDs(Page page, params Control[] ctls)
    Literal litJS = new Literal();
    litJS.Text = getJavascriptIDs(ctls);
    page.Form.Controls.Add(litJS);  ////////// <-- Error Here
} Why Thread.Sleep() is so CPU intensive ?

I have an ASP.NET page with this pseduo code:
while (read)
   Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
Any client who requests this page will start to download a binary file. Everything is OK at this point but clients had no limit in download speed so changed the above code to this:
while (read)
   Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
Speed problem is solved now, but under test with 100 concurrent clients who connect one after another (3 seconds lag between each new connection) the CPU usage increases when the number of clients increases and when there are 70 ~ 80 concurrent clients CPU reaches 100% and any new connection is refused. Numbers may be different on other machines but the question is why Thread.Sleep() is so CPU intensive and is there any way to speed done the client without CPU rising ?
I can do it at IIS level but I need more control from inside of my application.

Answer is:

Just a guess:
I don't think it's Thread.Sleep() that's tying up the CPU - it's the fact that you're causing threads to be tied up responding to a request for so long, and the system needs to spin up new threads (and other resources) to respond to new requests since those sleeping threads are no longer available in the thread pool. How to focus in div tag in javascript

I have created a tabs using div tag in javascript. I have button on each tab. whenever I clicked on button the focus is set to first tab.
I am using following code in page load event.
HtmlGenericControl content_1 = new HtmlGenericControl("content_1");
HtmlGenericControl content_2 = new HtmlGenericControl("content_2");
HtmlGenericControl content_3 = new HtmlGenericControl("content_3");
HtmlGenericControl content_4 = new HtmlGenericControl("content_4");
HtmlGenericControl content_5 = new HtmlGenericControl("content_5");
HtmlGenericControl selectedPage = new HtmlGenericControl(pageName);
content_1.Style["display"] = "none";
content_2.Style["display"] = "none";
content_3.Style["display"] = "none";
content_4.Style["display"] = "none";
content_5.Style["display"] = "none";

selectedPage.Style["display"] = "block";
selectedPage.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("class", "active");
Answer is:
each div will have unique id.
on clicking div tab, you will get the id of the div.
Using css style add class active to that div.
Add inactive class to other divs.
When you click another div , remove active class from this and add class to cliked one

How to replace src attribute name with data attribute name

I have a html document which uses object tag with src attribute. But I need to replace src(attribute name) with "data" (attribute name).
Is it possible to do so using JavaScript? All I referred shows that we can change the attribute values, but I couldnt find any method to replace attribute node name.
Could someone please help

Answer is:

You will have to get the src attribute value and set that to the data attribute value.
You can use .removeAttribute() if you want to get rid of the src attributes.
Something like this:
var att = element.getAttribute("src");
element.setAttribute("data", att);

jsFiddle example

If you want to do a bunch of elements, just select them and do a for loop. For example going over all divs:
var att, i, elie = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
for (i = 0; i < elie.length; ++i)
    att = elie[i].getAttribute("src");
    elie[i].setAttribute("data", att);
    elie[i].removeAttribute("src");        }

How to return and use an array of strings from a jQuery ajax call?

I'm using Google App Engine (Python) along with jQuery for Ajax calls to the server. I have a page where I want to load up a list of strings in Javascript from an Ajax call to the server.
The server method I want to invoke:
class BrowseObjects(webapp.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        ids_to_return = get_ids_to_return()
        // TODO: How to return these ids to the invoking ajax call?
The HTML page where I want to be able to access the returned ids:
    var strings_from_server = new Array();

        type: "GET",
        url: "/get_ids.html",
        success: function(responseText){
            // TODO: How to read these IDS in here?
            strings_from_server = responseText                
            error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
My experience with Ajax is limited-- I've only used them to store data to the server (a-la POST commands) and so I really have no idea how to get data back from the server. Thanks in advance for all help

Answer is:

It's probably not the cleanest solution, but it will work. Since they are just IDs, it sounds like it's safe to push them directly into a string.
class BrowseObjects(webapp.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
       ids_to_return = get_ids_to_return()

       response_html = '["'
       response_html += ids_to_return.join('","')
       # Edit: since my ids are Key objects (not strings)
       # I had to use the following instead:
       # response_html += '","'.join(map(str, ids_to_return))
       response_html += '"]'

var strings_from_server = new Array();

$.getJSON("/get_ids.html", function(responseData){

    strings_from_server = responseData;
You can check to see if the response was empty incase of an error, and you can use $.each to loop through the results.
I am using jQuerys getJSON feature to automatically parse the response. Since I'm just returning a json list, it will generate the array of data in the strings_from_server variable.

What is URL Hash oddities in Javascript?

I've noticed some strange behaviour in JS
window.location.hash = '';
var hash = window.location.hash;
alert(hash + ' = ' + hash.length);
//outputs: ' = 0'
window.location.hash = '#';
var hash = window.location.hash;
alert(hash + ' = ' + hash.length);
//outputs: ' = 0'
window.location.hash = '_';
hash = window.location.hash;
alert(hash + ' = ' + hash.length);
//outputs: '_ = 2'
basically I want to trigger three conditions
  1. no hash
  2. just hash
  3. hash with text
however it seems like JS doesn't see the difference between and Also I can't figure out how to remove the hash completely.
Any help?

Answer is:

  1. Once the hash is set, you cannot remove it altogether (eg, remove the # sign) without causing a page reload; this is normal behavior.
  2. Setting an empty/null hash and setting the hash to the default hash (#) are treated the same; this is just internal behavior. Not sure if all browsers handle it consistently, but IIRC that is the case.
Ultimately if you want to remove the hash completely, you would have to do document.location.href = document.location.href, to reload the page (window.location.reload() would keep the hash).

Javascript: How to call function using the value stored in a variable?

I have a variable

var functionName="giveVote";
What I need to do is, I want to call function stored in var functionName. I tried using functionName(); . But its not working. Please help.
Edit Based on the same problem, I have
$(this).rules("add", {txtInf: "^[a-zA-Z'.\s]{1,40}$" }); 
rules is a predifined function which takes methodName:, here I have hardcoded txtInf. But I want to supply a javascript variable here, to make my code generic. var methodName="txtInf";
Here I want to evaluate methodName first before being used in rules function.
$(this).rules("add", {mehtodName: "^[a-zA-Z'.\s]{1,40}$" });
Answer is:
Why not just pass the string directly to where you want to call the function? Why store it first? That seems more confusing as it is another layer of indirection (and, ultimately, can make your code more difficult to debug).
For example:
I don't see a particular advantage to doing what you're trying to do.

How? static members inside non-static classes and garbage collection

A collegue of mine claims that in C# having static members in non-static classes prevents instances of those classes from ever being garbage collected and that this is a common source of C# memory leaks. As a result he always wraps static members in a static class and gains access to them from there via a static property or method(s) on that static class. I always thought that statics were on the stack, not the heap and so did not have anything to do with the garbage collection. It does not seem right to me.
What is the truth about this?

Answer is

He doesn't know what he's talking about. Static members inside a non-static class do not prevent instances of the class from being garbage collected.
That said, statics can be on the stack or heap. It doesn't matter for garbage collection. What does matter is that the static parts of a type are not stored with instances of the type.

I have the following code which uses the System.Timers.Timer How to dispose timer

// an instance variable Timer inside a method
Timer aTimer = new Timer();
aTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnElapsedTime);
aTimer.Interval = 300000;
aTimer.AutoReset = false;
aTimer.Enabled = true;
while (aTimer.Enabled)
    if (count == expectedCount)
        aTimer.Enabled = false;
And I have the following code to handle the event:
private static void OnElapsedTime(Object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
    // do something
The question is: if the timer event gets triggered and enters the OnElapsedTime, would the Timer object stops and be properly garbage collected? If not, what can I do to properly dispose of the Timer object/stop it? I don't want the timer to suddenly creep up and cause havoc in my app.

Answer is:

Call Timer.Dispose:
private static void OnElapsedTime(Object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)

I'm maintaining an application that consumes and I Locking a static field

I'm maintaining an application that consumes and I Locking a static field a common library that has a static instance of a class(ClassWrapper). This class is a basically a wrapper around the Microsoft patterns and practices's CacheManager (v3.1 of the EL)
The library is hosted in a web application and also in a windows service app, (both are inherently multi threaded) There are a bunch of places in the app that invokes an Add method on this wrapper which in turn calls the Add on the cache manager to add an item to the cache manager.
As I understand, the CacheManager is not thread safe and the CacheWrapper does not perform any locking to ensure thread safety in the call to Add.
I cannot modify the library code directly to add synhronization code and am considering writing a helper method like so and modifying all call sites to use this helper instead of calling the Add on the wrapper directly.

class CacheHelper
    private static object _syncLock = new object();

    public static void Add<T>(CacheWrapper wrapper, string key, T value, int expireInMins)
        lock (_syncLock)
            wrapper.Add(key, value, expireInMins);

Do you see any problems with this approach. I'm a bit weary since the CacheWrapper is static and hence inherently so is the _syncLock. I feel a bit uneasy locking on static objects, but I don't have much of a choice since the CacheWrapper is a static instance exposed all throughout the process space of the host (web app and the windows service).
Any advice or vote of confidence would be much appreciated.

Answer is:
I am not sure about CacheManager being not thread-safe. Check this MSDN article - it states clearly:
Every method call made through the CacheManager object is thread safe.
Now, coming to your implementation, I am not certain why you are passing the CacheWrapper instance to your methods. CacheWrapper being static instance you can refer it directly such as
class CacheHelper

    private static CacheWrapper GetWrapper()
       return [Lib Namespace].[Class Name].[Field Name referring to CacheWrapper];

    public static void Add<T>(string key, T value, int expireInMins)
        var wrapper = GetWrapper();
        lock (wrapper)
            wrapper.Add(key, value, expireInMins);


Splitting strings in a “Google” style way?

I am trying to create a function that will split a string into search terms. Using this code will work fine:
string TestString = "This is a test";
string[] Terms;
Terms = TestString.Split(" ");
This will split my string into 4 strings: "This", "is", "a", "test". However I want words that are enclosed in quotes to be treated as one word:
string TestString = "This \"test will\" fail";
string[] Terms;
Terms = TestString.Split(" ");
This will split my string into 4 strings, again: "This", "\"test", "will\"", "fail"
What I want is for it split that last string into only 3 strings: "This", "test will", "fail"
Anyone have any idea on how to do this?

Answer is:
Try using a Regex:
var testString = "This \"test will\" fail";
var termsMatches = Regex.Matches(testString, "(\\w+)|\"([\\w ]+[^ ])\"");

What is Question: Swap two variables without using ref/out in C#

 Swap two variables without using ref/out in C#

Is it possible to swap two variables without using ref/out keyword in C#(i.e. by using unsafe)?
for ex,
        swap(ref x,ref y);//It is possbile to by passing the reference
But, Is there any other way of doing the same thing. In the swap function you can use a temp variable. But, How to swap the variables without using ref/out keywords in C#?

Answer is:

No, it's not possible to affect variables* in the caller without the use of ref or out. You could affect class members, but how would you know which ones you were being asked to swap?
*(You can affect instances of reference types and the changes will be visible to the caller, but instances are not "variables".)

Her is Question: Why do standard libraries for C# need both an assembly reference and an import?

Her is Question: Why do standard libraries for C# need both an assembly reference and an import?
What is the reason that I have to do both of these for the standard libraries? For every other language that I have used, I only have to do one to access standard libraries.

An assembly reference makes the code in the assembly available to another assembly. A using directive makes the types of another namespace available to a given source file. These are completely separate concepts. If you were inclined, you could get away with never using the usings directive and using fully-qualified type names. Similarly, it is possible to use the usings directive to refer to other namespaces within the same assembly.
Also, there is a perfect analog between assemblies/jars and usings/import between Java and C# for the purposes of this discussion. So C# is hardly unique here.

Here the Question: Converting from an int to a bool in C#

int vote;
Insertvotes(objectType, objectId , vote, userID); //calling
For this method call, I want to convert vote to a bool. How can I convert it?
Here is the method signature:
 public static bool Insertvotes(int forumObjectType, 
                                int objectId,
                                bool isThumbUp, 
                                int userID) {
    // code...

Answers IS:

You can try something like
Insertvotes(objectType, objectId , (vote == 1), userID); //calling
Assuming that 1 is voted up, and 0 is voted down, or something like that.

How can I fetch more than 1000 Google results with the Perl Google API?

I don't know a way around this limit, other than to use a series of refined searches versus one general search.
For example instead of just "Tim Medora", I might search for myself by:
Search #1: "Tim Medora Phoenix"
Search #2: "Tim Medora Boston"
Search #3: "Tim Medora Canada"
However, if you are trying to use Google to search a particular site, you may be able to read that site's Google sitemaps.
For example, exposes all 80 million+ users/businesses via a series of nested sitemap XML files:
Using this method, you can crawl a specific site quite easily with your own search algorithm if they have good Google sitemaps.
Of course, I am in no way suggesting that you exploit a sitemap for illegal/unfriendly purposes.

New to google app engine ! what to do next ?

Here are some good resources :
Articles :
Code examples :

subscribe to public google calendars on iphone

Your question is asking us to write your app for you - no-one is going to do that for free so that's why your question is being voted down and getting no answers.
You need to be more specific and ask smaller questions. You're also going to need to specify more details i.e.

  • Do you want to know how to show a list on an iPhone (hint: look at a UITableView)
  • Do you want to know how to get a list of calendars from Google (hint: Google for 'Google calendar API')
  • Do you want help connecting to calendars or just in showing the list of possible calendars?
  • Will the list of calendars change or can you just hardcode it into the app?
This question's probably not going to get a real answer so I'd think more about what you want and ask another, smaller clearer question :)

How to Tell if Click Came from Google Search

Use Google Analytics
Sign up for an account and just add a small snippet of Javascript to your site. It's really easy to set up and track links from google and even the exact search terms used!

How to use jQuery in Google Sitemaps and is it allowed.

Google Sitemaps are XML files. How would you use javascript in an XML file?
@Julian, you could use xsl. @The Keeper of the Cheese, technically this is more a comment than an answer, but I agree with the underlying sentiment of why? so I'm up-voting you anyway.

How can I retrieve a Google Talk users Status Message

I don't have anything to hand with xmpp installed, but here's some old code I had lying around that might help you. You'll want to update the USERNAME/PASSWORD to your own values for test purposes.

 Things to note: users logged in to Google Talk get a random presence string on their userid: that doesn't matter if you are trying to get the status of some other user, but if you want to write some code so want to communicate with yourself you need to distinguish the user logged in from GMail or a GTalk client from the test program. Hence the code searches through the userids.

Also, if you read the status immediately after logging in you probably won't get anything. There's a delay in the code because it takes a little while for the status to become available.

"""Send a single GTalk message to myself"""
import xmppimport time

_SERVER = '', 5223
PASSWORD = 'whatever'

def sendMessage(tojid, text, username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD):
    jid = xmpp.protocol.JID(username)
    client = xmpp.Client(jid.getDomain(), debug=[])
    #self.client.RegisterHandler('message', self.message_cb)
    if not client:
      print 'Connection failed!'
    con = client.connect(server=_SERVER)
    print 'connected with', con
    auth = client.auth(jid.getNode(), password, 'botty')
    if not auth:
      print 'Authentication failed!'
    client.RegisterHandler('message', message_cb)
    roster = client.getRoster()
    if '/' in tojid:
        tail = tojid.split('/')[-1]
        t = time.time() + 1
        while time.time() < t:
            if [ res for res in roster.getResources(tojid) if res.startswith(tail) ]:
        for res in roster.getResources(tojid):
            if res.startswith(tail):
                tojid = tojid.split('/', 1)[0] + '/' + res

    print "sending to", tojid
    id = client.send(xmpp.protocol.Message(tojid, text))
    t = time.time() + 1
    while time.time() < t:
    print "status", roster.getStatus(tojid)
    print "show", roster.getShow(tojid)
    print "resources", roster.getResources(tojid)
def message_cb(session, message):
    print ">", message

sendMessage(USERNAME + '/Talk', "This is an automatically generated gtalk message: did you get it?")

How does Google Instant work?

Google have just published a blog article called Google Instant, behind the scenes. It's an interesting read, and obviously related to this question. You can read how they tackled the extra load (5-7X according to the article) on the server-side, for example. The answer below examines what happens on the client-side:

Examining with Firebug, Google is doing an Ajax GET request on every keypress:
Google Instant Search

I guess it's working the same way as the auto completion. However this time, it also returns the search results of the partially complete search phrase in JSON format.

Google Instant Search Ponies

We can see that the JSON response contains the content to construct the search results as we type.
The formatted JSON responses look something like this:
    e: "j9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO",
    c: 1,
    u: "\x3den\x26expIds\x3d17259,24472,24923,25260,25901,25907,26095,26446,26530\x26sugexp\x3dldymls\x26xhr\x3dt\x26q\x3dStack%20Overflow\x26cp\x3d6\x26pf\x3dp\x26sclient\x3dpsy\x26aq\x3df\x26aqi\x3dg4g-o1\x26aql\x3d\x26oq\x3dStack+\x26gs_rfai\x3d\x26pbx\x3d1\x26fp\x3df97fdf10596ae095\x26tch\x3d1\x26ech\x3d1\x26psi\x3dj9iHTO3xBo2CONvDzaEO12839712156911",
    d: "\x3clink rel\x3dprefetch href\x3d\x22\x22\x3e\x3cscript\, \x27rso\x27, \x27\\x3c!--m--\\x3e\\x3clink rel\\x3dprefetch href\\x3d\\x22\\x22\\x3e\\x3cli class\\x3dg\\x3e\\x3ch3 class\\x3d\\x22r\\x22\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 class\\x3dl onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x271\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNERidL9Hb6OvGW93_Y6MRj3aTdMVA\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CBYQFjAA\\x27)\\x22\\x3e\\x3cem\\x3eStack Overflow\\x3c/em\\x3e\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/h3\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3d\\x22s\\x22\\x3eA language-independent collaboratively edited question and answer site for programmers.\\x3cbr\\x3e\\x3cspan class\\x3df\\x3e\\x3ccite\\x3e\\x3cb\\x3estackoverflow\\x3c/b\\\\x3c/cite\\x3e - \\x3cspan class\\x3dgl\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\\\x26amp;cd\\x3d1\\x26amp;hl\\x3den\\x26amp;ct\\x3dclnk\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x271\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNFfKMag7Tq8CMbbfu8Gcj_GjukTbA\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CBgQIDAA\\x27)\\x22\\x3eCached\\x3c/a\\x3e - \\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\\\x26amp;tbo\\x3d1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CBkQHzAA\\x22\\x3eSimilar\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3cbr\\x3e\\x3ctable class\\x3dslk style\\x3d\\x22border-collapse:collapse;margin-top:4px\\x22\\x3e\\x3ctr\\x3e\\x3ctd style\\x3d\\x22padding-left:14px;vertical-align:top\\x22\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3dsld\\x3e\\x3ca class\\x3dsla href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x271\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNHmP78gEctJKvBrydP2c52F_FEjvA\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CBoQqwMoADAA\\x27)\\x22\\x3eQuestions\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3dsld\\x3e\\x3ca class\\x3dsla href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x271\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNGZF-qwWVTZOWPlr4vgSA7qB64LLQ\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CBsQqwMoATAA\\x27)\\x22\\x3eAsk Question\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3dsld\\x3e\\x3ca class\\x3dsla href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x271\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNE9zo6Qi_AM1bjmPGeMGfbnPi3niA\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CBwQqwMoAjAA\\x27)\\x22\\x3eOMG Ponies\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3dsld\\x3e\\x3ca class\\x3dsla href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x271\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNEaqlBrfDcc1gdPZ6dgthff0s5WmA\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CB0QqwMoAzAA\\x27)\\x22\\x3eCareers\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3ctd style\\x3d\\x22padding-left:14px;vertical-align:top\\x22\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3dsld\\x3e\\x3ca class\\x3dsla href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x271\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNEqgPttrXj3r4o3TZHX5WaWvFe1HQ\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CB4QqwMoBDAA\\x27)\\x22\\x3eAbout\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3dsld\\x3e\\x3ca class\\x3dsla href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x271\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNF3X3eRc0RsxYynXZhhbyYkuKWZ5g\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CB8QqwMoBTAA\\x27)\\x22\\x3eThe FAQ\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3dsld\\x3e\\x3ca class\\x3dsla href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x271\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNG7KphjK6RuC5cj-6U5jeuvipt5dg\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CCAQqwMoBjAA\\x27)\\x22\\x3eBlog\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3dsld\\x3e\\x3ca class\\x3dsla href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x271\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNFfN_wcGm4HE5XpDxvcH4bIrkv2dw\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CCEQqwMoBzAA\\x27)\\x22\\x3eUsers\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3ctr\\x3e\\x3ctd colspan\\x3d2 style\\x3d\\x22padding-left:14px;vertical-align:top\\x22\\x3e\\x3cdiv style\\x3d\\x22padding-top:6px\\x22\\x3e\\x3ca class\\x3dfl href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CCIQrAM\\x22\\x3eMore results from\\x26nbsp;\\x26raquo;\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3c/table\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3c!--n--\\x3e\\x3c!--m--\\x3e\\x3cli class\\x3dg\\x3e\\x3ch3 class\\x3d\\x22r\\x22\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 class\\x3dl onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x272\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNHmP78gEctJKvBrydP2c52F_FEjvA\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CCUQFjAB\\x27)\\x22\\x3eHottest Questions - \\x3cem\\x3eStack Overflow\\x3c/em\\x3e\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/h3\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3d\\x22s\\x22\\x3eHello \\x3cem\\x3eStack Overflow\\x3c/em\\x3e! I\\x26#39;m working with someone else\\x26#39;s PHP function that works fine as long as I pass it at least three arguments. If I pass it two argument, \\x3cb\\x3e...\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3cbr\\x3e\\x3cspan class\\x3df\\x3e\\x3ccite\\x3e\\x3cb\\x3estackoverflow\\x3c/b\\\\x3c/cite\\x3e - \\x3cspan class\\x3dgl\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\\\x26amp;cd\\x3d2\\x26amp;hl\\x3den\\x26amp;ct\\x3dclnk\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x272\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNH7WHzefYlnS05ln4j6rzfE3byDKg\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CCcQIDAB\\x27)\\x22\\x3eCached\\x3c/a\\x3e - \\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\\\x26amp;tbo\\x3d1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CCgQHzAB\\x22\\x3eSimilar\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3c!--n--\\x3e\\x3c!--m--\\x3e\\x3cli class\\x3dg\\x3e\\x3ch3 class\\x3d\\x22r\\x22\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 class\\x3dl onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x273\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNEAxaeWmWtD7cBcmZ5QBMsTRNbnCw\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CCkQFjAC\\x27)\\x22\\x3e\\x3cem\\x3eStack overflow\\x3c/em\\x3e - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/h3\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3d\\x22s\\x22\\x3eIn software, a \\x3cem\\x3estack overflow\\x3c/em\\x3e occurs when too much memory is used on the call stack. The call stack contains a limited amount of memory,  often determined at \\x3cb\\x3e...\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3cbr\\x3e\\x3cspan class\\x3df\\x3e\\x3ccite\\\\x3cb\\x3eStack\\x3c/b\\x3e_\\x3cb\\x3eoverflow\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3c/cite\\x3e - \\x3cspan class\\x3dgl\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\\\x26amp;cd\\x3d3\\x26amp;hl\\x3den\\x26amp;ct\\x3dclnk\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x273\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNFG_5ndK-KmWJy6s3pOsi8lsxqEZg\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CCsQIDAC\\x27)\\x22\\x3eCached\\x3c/a\\x3e - \\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\\\x26amp;tbo\\x3d1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CCwQHzAC\\x22\\x3eSimilar\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3c!--n--\\x3e\\x3c!--m--\\x3e\\x3cli class\\x3dg\\x3e\\x3ch3 class\\x3d\\x22r\\x22\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 class\\x3dl onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x274\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNG7KphjK6RuC5cj-6U5jeuvipt5dg\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CC0QFjAD\\x27)\\x22\\x3eBlog – \\x3cem\\x3eStack Overflow\\x3c/em\\x3e\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/h3\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3d\\x22s\\x22\\x3e6 Sep 2010 \\x3cb\\x3e...\\x3c/b\\x3e The latest version of the \\x3cem\\x3eStack Overflow\\x3c/em\\x3e Trilogy Creative Commons Data Dump is now available. This reflects all public  data in … \\x3cb\\x3e...\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3cbr\\x3e\\x3cspan class\\x3df\\x3e\\x3ccite\\x3eblog.\\x3cb\\x3estackoverflow\\x3c/b\\\\x3c/cite\\x3e - \\x3cspan class\\x3dgl\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\\\x26amp;cd\\x3d4\\x26amp;hl\\x3den\\x26amp;ct\\x3dclnk\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x274\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNFX2P2-RTCs_GaR6NgSw30p007UEA\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CC8QIDAD\\x27)\\x22\\x3eCached\\x3c/a\\x3e - \\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\\\x26amp;tbo\\x3d1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CDAQHzAD\\x22\\x3eSimilar\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3c!--n--\\x3e\x27,_ss);\x3c/script\x3e"
    e: "j9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO",
    c: 1,
    u: "\x3den\x26expIds\x3d17259,24472,24923,25260,25901,25907,26095,26446,26530\x26sugexp\x3dldymls\x26xhr\x3dt\x26q\x3dStack%20Overflow\x26cp\x3d6\x26pf\x3dp\x26sclient\x3dpsy\x26aq\x3df\x26aqi\x3dg4g-o1\x26aql\x3d\x26oq\x3dStack+\x26gs_rfai\x3d\x26pbx\x3d1\x26fp\x3df97fdf10596ae095\x26tch\x3d1\x26ech\x3d1\x26psi\x3dj9iHTO3xBo2CONvDzaEO12839712156911",
    d: "\x3cscript\, \x27rso\x27, \x27\\x3c!--m--\\x3e\\x3cli class\\x3dg style\\x3d\\x22margin-left:16px\\x22\\x3e\\x3ch3 class\\x3d\\x22r hcw\\x22\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 class\\x3dl onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x275\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNGnAJSxUa4GLcg-E7PNvIFmPC53gQ\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CDEQFjAE\\x27)\\x22\\x3epodcasts - Blog – \\x3cem\\x3eStack Overflow\\x3c/em\\x3e\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/h3\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3d\\x22s hc\\x22\\x3eJoel and Jeff sit down with our new community coordinator, Robert Cartaino, to record a “bonus” podcast discussing the future of \\x3cem\\x3eStack Overflow\\x3c/em\\x3e and Stack \\x3cb\\x3e...\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3cbr\\x3e\\x3cspan class\\x3df\\x3e\\x3ccite\\x3eblog.\\x3cb\\x3estackoverflow\\x3c/b\\\\x3c/cite\\x3e - \\x3cspan class\\x3dgl\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\\\x26amp;cd\\x3d5\\x26amp;hl\\x3den\\x26amp;ct\\x3dclnk\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x275\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNErCiLBch55HA8i5BAdChcmQYH8nw\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CDMQIDAE\\x27)\\x22\\x3eCached\\x3c/a\\x3e - \\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\\\x26amp;tbo\\x3d1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CDQQHzAE\\x22\\x3eSimilar\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3c!--n--\\x3e\\x3c!--m--\\x3e\\x3cli class\\x3dg\\x3e\\x3ch3 class\\x3d\\x22r\\x22\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 class\\x3dl onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x276\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNHG9l1PMbilYkhohNFuj3g6ce1LuA\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CDUQFjAF\\x27)\\x22\\x3e\\x3cem\\x3eStackOverflow\\x3c/em\\x3e\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/h3\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3d\\x22s\\x22\\x3eJoel and Jeff sit down with our new community coordinator, Robert Cartaino, to discuss the future of \\x3cem\\x3eStack Overflow\\x3c/em\\x3e and Stack Exchange 2.0. \\x3cb\\x3e...\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3cbr\\x3e\\x3cspan class\\x3df\\x3e\\x3ccite\\\\x3cb\\x3estackoverflow\\x3c/b\\x3e.html\\x3c/cite\\x3e - \\x3cspan class\\x3dgl\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\\\x26amp;cd\\x3d6\\x26amp;hl\\x3den\\x26amp;ct\\x3dclnk\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x276\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNFP62Bg_o2kaz3jzXxzsrTs_7RdNA\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CDcQIDAF\\x27)\\x22\\x3eCached\\x3c/a\\x3e - \\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\\\x26amp;tbo\\x3d1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CDgQHzAF\\x22\\x3eSimilar\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3c!--n--\\x3e\\x3c!--m--\\x3e\\x3cli class\\x3dg\\x3e\\x3ch3 class\\x3d\\x22r\\x22\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 class\\x3dl onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x277\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNHzyj5rHEX7IiyFWnP0ziE3B32rGg\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CDkQFjAG\\x27)\\x22\\x3eHow to Troubleshoot Windows Internal \\x3cem\\x3eStack Overflow\\x3c/em\\x3e Error Messages\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/h3\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3d\\x22s\\x22\\x3eThis article lists steps to help you troubleshoot problems with \\x3cem\\x3estack overflow\\x3c/em\\x3e errors in  Windows. Stacks are reserved memory that programs use to process \\x3cb\\x3e...\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3cbr\\x3e\\x3cspan class\\x3df\\x3e\\x3ccite\\\\x3c/cite\\x3e - \\x3cspan class\\x3dgl\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\\\x26amp;cd\\x3d7\\x26amp;hl\\x3den\\x26amp;ct\\x3dclnk\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x277\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNHYsox9EW1Ye9Nn2G6WQzEpJDOzcw\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CDsQIDAG\\x27)\\x22\\x3eCached\\x3c/a\\x3e - \\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\\\x26amp;tbo\\x3d1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CDwQHzAG\\x22\\x3eSimilar\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3c!--n--\\x3e\\x3c!--m--\\x3e\\x3cli class\\x3dg\\x3e\\x3ch3 class\\x3d\\x22r\\x22\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 class\\x3dl onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x278\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNHcEPoch5soLj2CpLpRfnW-Z2-aLw\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CD0QFjAH\\x27)\\x22\\x3e\\x3cem\\x3eStackOverflow\\x3c/em\\x3e DevDays » Home\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/h3\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3d\\x22s\\x22\\x3e\\x3cem\\x3eStackOverflow\\x3c/em\\x3e Dev Days is run by Carsonified, so please give us a shout if you need anything or are interested in sponsoring the event. \\x3cb\\x3e...\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3cbr\\x3e\\x3cspan class\\x3df\\x3e\\x3ccite\\x3e\\x3cb\\x3estackoverflow\\x3c/b\\\\x3c/cite\\x3e - \\x3cspan class\\x3dgl\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\\\x26amp;cd\\x3d8\\x26amp;hl\\x3den\\x26amp;ct\\x3dclnk\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x278\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNFf9Vl5L3FaQGPapUpIFw5gqVUCnA\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CD8QIDAH\\x27)\\x22\\x3eCached\\x3c/a\\x3e - \\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\\\x26amp;tbo\\x3d1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CEAQHzAH\\x22\\x3eSimilar\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3c!--n--\\x3e\\x3c!--m--\\x3e\\x3cli class\\x3dg\\x3e\\x3ch3 class\\x3d\\x22r\\x22\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 class\\x3dl onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x279\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNF-YrPvTLTJlFFDJrJE0cjGdlOpbg\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CEEQFjAI\\x27)\\x22\\x3e\\x3cem\\x3eStackOverflow\\x3c/em\\\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/h3\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3d\\x22s\\x22\\x3e\\x3cem\\x3eStackOverflow\\x3c/em\\ began as the merging of two ideas that have been kicking around in my head for years. First, I wanted a dorky programming-related domain \\x3cb\\x3e...\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3cbr\\x3e\\x3cspan class\\x3df\\x3e\\x3ccite\\x3e\\x3cb\\x3estackoverflow\\x3c/b\\\\x3c/cite\\x3e - \\x3cspan class\\x3dgl\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\\\x26amp;cd\\x3d9\\x26amp;hl\\x3den\\x26amp;ct\\x3dclnk\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x279\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNHcJcV2QVybr6voztyPwHCrNOOD1w\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CEMQIDAI\\x27)\\x22\\x3eCached\\x3c/a\\x3e - \\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\\\x26amp;tbo\\x3d1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CEQQHzAI\\x22\\x3eSimilar\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3c!--n--\\x3e\\x3c!--m--\\x3e\\x3cli class\\x3dg\\x3e\\x3ch3 class\\x3d\\x22r\\x22\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\x22 class\\x3dl onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x2710\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNFYQ5E8irNUCpRsbOHHyfc0oqGpWw\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CEUQFjAJ\\x27)\\x22\\x3e\\x3cem\\x3eStack Overflow\\x3c/em\\x3e\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/h3\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3d\\x22s\\x22\\x3e\\x3cem\\x3eStack Overflow\\x3c/em\\x3e. Nigel Jones. Nigel Jones has over 20 years of experience designing electronic circuits and firmware. (full bio). Pages. Contact Nigel. Links \\x3cb\\x3e...\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3cbr\\x3e\\x3cspan class\\x3df\\x3e\\x3ccite\\\\x3cb\\x3estack\\x3c/b\\x3e-\\x3cb\\x3eoverflow\\x3c/b\\x3e/\\x3c/cite\\x3e - \\x3cspan class\\x3dgl\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22\\\\x26amp;cd\\x3d10\\x26amp;hl\\x3den\\x26amp;ct\\x3dclnk\\x22 onmousedown\\x3d\\x22return rwt(this,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x2710\\x27,\\x27AFQjCNFqMjsc1pBI9JexjMSPY7wm5QLI8w\\x27,\\x27\\x27,\\x270CEcQIDAJ\\x27)\\x22\\x3eCached\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/span\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3c!--n--\\x3e\x27,_ss);\x3c/script\x3e"
    e: "j9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO",
    c: 1,
    u: "\x3den\x26expIds\x3d17259,24472,24923,25260,25901,25907,26095,26446,26530\x26sugexp\x3dldymls\x26xhr\x3dt\x26q\x3dStack%20Overflow\x26cp\x3d6\x26pf\x3dp\x26sclient\x3dpsy\x26aq\x3df\x26aqi\x3dg4g-o1\x26aql\x3d\x26oq\x3dStack+\x26gs_rfai\x3d\x26pbx\x3d1\x26fp\x3df97fdf10596ae095\x26tch\x3d1\x26ech\x3d1\x26psi\x3dj9iHTO3xBo2CONvDzaEO12839712156911",
    d: "\x3cscript\x3eje.p(_loc,\x27botstuff\x27,\x27 \\x3cdiv id\\x3dbrs style\\x3d\\x22clear:both;margin-bottom:17px;overflow:hidden\\x22\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3d\\x22med\\x22 style\\x3d\\x22text-align:left\\x22\\x3eSearches related to \\x3cem\\x3eStack Overflow\\x3c/em\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3dbrs_col\\x3e\\x3cp\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\x3dstack+overflow+error\\x26amp;revid\\x3d-1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CEkQ1QIoAA\\x22\\x3estack overflow \\x3cb\\x3eerror\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/p\\x3e\\x3cp\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\x3dstack+overflow+internet+explorer\\x26amp;revid\\x3d-1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CEoQ1QIoAQ\\x22\\x3estack overflow \\x3cb\\x3einternet explorer\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/p\\x3e\\x3cp\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\x3dfix+stack+overflow\\x26amp;revid\\x3d-1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CEsQ1QIoAg\\x22\\x3e\\x3cb\\x3efix\\x3c/b\\x3e stack overflow\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/p\\x3e\\x3cp\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\x3dstack+overflow+xp\\x26amp;revid\\x3d-1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CEwQ1QIoAw\\x22\\x3estack overflow \\x3cb\\x3exp\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/p\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3cdiv class\\x3dbrs_col\\x3e\\x3cp\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\x3dstack+overflow+javascript\\x26amp;revid\\x3d-1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CE0Q1QIoBA\\x22\\x3estack overflow \\x3cb\\x3ejavascript\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/p\\x3e\\x3cp\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\x3dstack+overflow+java\\x26amp;revid\\x3d-1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CE4Q1QIoBQ\\x22\\x3estack overflow \\x3cb\\x3ejava\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/p\\x3e\\x3cp\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\x3dstack+overflow+c%2B%2B\\x26amp;revid\\x3d-1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CE8Q1QIoBg\\x22\\x3estack overflow \\x3cb\\x3ec++\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/p\\x3e\\x3cp\\x3e\\x3ca href\\x3d\\x22/search?hl\\x3den\\x26amp;q\\x3dstack+overflow+windows+xp\\x26amp;revid\\x3d-1\\x26amp;sa\\x3dX\\x26amp;ei\\x3dj9iHTLXlLNmXOJLQ3cMO\\x26amp;sqi\\x3d2\\x26amp;ved\\x3d0CFAQ1QIoBw\\x22\\x3estack overflow \\x3cb\\x3ewindows xp\\x3c/b\\x3e\\x3c/a\\x3e\\x3c/p\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e\\x3c/div\\x3e \x27,_ss);/*  */\x3c/script\x3e"

Further non-technical reading: