In the face of this challenging online environment, you undoubtedly want to improve the chances of your site doing well with users and Google over the long haul. Thinking like your users -- while it may sound obvious -- is actually a powerful start. Of course, you should provide content designed for users, not search engines... making sure to treat search engine bots as just other users and never sending them different content. But beyond that, it makes sense to consider how your users are likely to search for this content. For instance, some within your organization may insist that you refer to your star product in a specific way, but perhaps the public refers to it via an acronym or nickname -- and since that is what they're likely to search on, make sure that this text also visibly appears on your relevant pages! As you engage users with the content and links on your site, make sure they aren't disappointed. Regularly verify that all your links are still pointing to relevant resources that reflect well on you and your organization. For other related tips, see our webmaster guidelines, linked on this page.
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