Understanding of Google Pagerank for you Site

Google’s original algorithm set that assessed the importance of web pages was dubbed PageRank.  It’s now just one of over two hundred components that go into our ranking of web pages; however it does still play a significant role.
- Each page's score is based upon the quantity -- and more important, the quality -- of pages that link to it.  This means that a relevant link from, for instance, a respected online magazine will be likely worth more than a link from a friend's guestbook.
- Attempting to buy or sell links that pass PageRank is a violation of our webmaster guidelines and could end up harming your site's presence in Google.
• The best ways to increase your pages' PageRank are to create great content, participate thoughtfully in relevant communities online and offline, and from this garner quality links naturally.
• - If you do buy or sell online advertising, you'll want to make sure those links don't pass PageRank... by using the nofollow attribute or other means recommended in our Webmaster Help Center.